LDAP is a paid feature. If you’re using Infisical Cloud, then it is available under the Enterprise Tier. If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you should contact sales@infisical.com to purchase an enterprise license to use it.

You can configure your organization in Infisical to have members authenticate with the platform via LDAP


Prepare the LDAP configuration in Infisical

In Infisical, head to your Organization Settings > Authentication > LDAP Configuration and select Set up LDAP.

Next, input your LDAP server settings.

Here’s some guidance for each field:

  • URL: The LDAP server to connect to such as ldap://ldap.your-org.com, ldaps://ldap.myorg.com:636 (for connection over SSL/TLS), etc.
  • Bind DN: The distinguished name of object to bind when performing the user search such as cn=infisical,ou=Users,dc=acme,dc=com.
  • Bind Pass: The password to use along with Bind DN when performing the user search.
  • Search Base / User DN: Base DN under which to perform user search such as ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
  • CA Certificate: The CA certificate to use when verifying the LDAP server certificate.

Enable LDAP in Infisical

Enabling LDAP allows members in your organization to log into Infisical via LDAP.