Infisical Folders enable users to organize secrets using custom structures dependent on the intended use case (also known as path-based secret storage).

It is great for organizing secrets around hierarchies with multiple services or types of secrets involved at large quantities. Infisical Folders can be infinitely nested to mirror your application architecture – whether it’s microservices, monorepos, or any logical grouping that best suits your needs.

Consider the following structure for a microservice architecture:

| service1
|---- envars
|---- users
|-------- tokens1
|-------- tokens2
| service2
|---- envars

In this example, we store environment variables for each microservice under each respective /envars folder. We also store user-specific secrets for micro-service 1 under /service1/users. With this folder structure in place, your applications only need to specify a path like /microservice1/envars to fetch secrets from there. By extending this example, you can see how path-based secret storage provides a versatile approach to manage secrets for any architecture.

Managing folders

To add a folder, press the downward chevron to the right of the Add Secret button; then press on the Add Folder button.

Folder names can only contain alphabets, numbers, and dashes

To delete a folder, hover over it and press the X button that appears on the right side.

Comparing folders

It’s possible to compare the contents of folders across environments in the Secrets Overview page. When you click on a folder, the table will display the items within it across environments.

In the image below, you can see that the Development environment is the only one that contains items in the /users folder, being other folders /user-a, /user-b, … /user-f.