This approach allows you to inject secrets from Infisical directly into your application. This is achieved by installing the Infisical CLI into your docker image and modifying your start command to execute with Infisical.

Add the Infisical CLI to your Dockerfile

RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl && curl -1sLf \
'' | bash \
&& apk add infisical

We recommend you to set the version of the CLI to a specific version. This will help keep your CLI version consistent across reinstalls. View versions

Modify the start command in your Dockerfile

Starting your service with the Infisical CLI pulls your secrets from Infisical and injects them into your service.

CMD ["infisical", "run", "--", "[your service start command]"]

# example with single single command
CMD ["infisical", "run", "--", "npm", "run", "start"]

# example with multiple commands
CMD ["infisical", "run", "--command", "npm run start && ..."]

Generate a service token

Head to your project settings in the Infisical dashboard to generate an service token. This service token will allow you to authenticate and fetch secrets from Infisical. Once you have created a service token with the required permissions, you’ll need to feed the token to the CLI installed in your docker container.

Feed service token to docker container

The last step is to give the Infisical CLI installed in your Docker container access to the service token. This will allow the CLI to fetch and inject the secrets into your application.

To feed the service token to the container, use the INFISICAL_TOKEN environment variable as shown below.

 docker run --env INFISICAL_TOKEN=[token] [DOCKER-IMAGE]...